Water purification information

The right way to drink water Aicksn reverse osmosis RO pure water machine

Views : 63168
Update time : 2021-10-23 12:00:53
In autumn and winter, the temperature is dry, and enough water must be added in time. If you drink water unscientifically, it is likely to cause physical discomfort and affect our daily work and life.

Pay attention to the use of water cups

Many people use it for convenience. They always use disposable paper cups when drinking water in the office, and throw them away after use. However, disposable paper cups only look hygienic and convenient, and they cannot be recognized by the naked eye. And from the perspective of environmental protection, it is also necessary to use less or no disposable paper cups.

It is recommended that everyone try to use their own stand-alone cups, either glass cups or thermos cups, to ensure hygiene and environmental protection without waste.

Drink water frequently

Many people only think of drinking water when they are thirsty, and they often swallow a lot, which is also wrong. Humans constantly evaporate water from the lungs and skin every day, and excrete water through the kidneys and feces. The human body loses about 1500 ml of water every day. When the body sends out a thirst signal, it is already in a relatively serious state of water shortage. When the human body lacks water, the blood volume of the whole body will decrease, the perfusion pressure of the heart will decrease, and myocardial ischemia will easily cause myocardial damage. In addition, when the body is short of water, sweat and urine will be relatively reduced, which will affect the excretion of metabolites in the body and cause the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.

Therefore, do not drink water when you are thirsty. Moreover, the intake of water must be timely and appropriate. A more appropriate drinking guide is to drink small amounts for many times, and it is better to drink small amounts and more.

Drink clean water

When some impatient friends are thirsty, they may be tempted to quench their thirst with tap water, but this approach is unsanitary. The composition of tap water is also more complicated, and it can only be drunk normally after it is boiled. And friends who use large buckets of water at home also need to pay attention. If the large buckets of water are opened for a long time, it will breed bacteria, so it is recommended not to drink directly.

In order to drink clean water conveniently, you can install an aicksn202-RO-04 reverse osmosis RO water purifier in your home. When you are thirsty, you don’t need to boil the water, just turn on the water purifier and you can drink it. Clean water and avoid the trouble of not drinking water because of thirsty.

Fresh and good water is filtered and ready to drink
reverse osmosis filtration system
The reverse osmosis filtration system can effectively filter harmful substances including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, etc., while ensuring the good taste of the effluent. Whether it is drinking directly or cooking in soup, you can enjoy it to your heart's content. There is no need to wait for fresh and good water.
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